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IntellicureEHR 7.0 will be web-based; a completely different form of accessing and using your EHR than you’ve probably ever used. What does web-based mean?

It means that you will not use a locally stored program on your computer, and you will not have to log in separately to the Intellicure servers to use IntellicureEHR 7. You will simply open your internet browser (like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) and go to IntellicureEHR.com, log in with your user name and password, and that’s it. You’re now using IntellicureEHR 7. You won’t have any sort of installations or downloads to use the EHR.

Okay, so what? It’ll make logging in a little faster? Is that the big benefit to IntellicureEHR 7?

Oh no, that’s just the beginning.


All of the IntellicureEHR tools and software will be substantially faster because they are web-based. Our web-based EHR will reside in the Microsoft Azure servers rather than our own cloud servers near Houston. Simply put, Microsoft’s servers are much faster than ours, which is like admitting you can’t outrun a car. In the background of your IntellicureEHR experience for the last 10-15 years, you’ve been sending data files back and forth from your computer, over your internet signal, to the Intellicure cloud servers. The speed at which the files were sent was based on the software’s bulkiness and on the speed of our cloud servers. Using Microsoft’s servers and using a lighter software for IntellicureEHR 7, that connection will be lightning fast, so your experience throughout IntellicureEHR will be fast, too. Charting will be faster, scheduling will be faster, referrals will be faster. Everything will be faster.

But it’s not just speed that improves …


Since IntellicureEHR 7 will be accessible on a web browser, that means you can use the EHR on any device that has a web browser.
Laptop and desktop computers? Of course!
Tablets? Yes. In fact, we designed IntellicureEHR 7 to be just as user-friendly on a tablet.
Phones? Yes, but we don’t recommend it yet because you’ll have to do a lot of zooming in and pinching. We’ll develop an app for the phone sometime later.
A smart TV? Yeah sure, if you want to chart on a smart TV, now you can, but for privacy reasons you probably shouldn’t.
You get the point. With IntellicureEHR 7, you can now use your wound care EHR on any internet-capable device.


We recognize the importance of data security. At a time when other wound care EHRs experience week-long downtimes as a result of data breaches and viruses, Intellicure has chosen to double-down on its security efforts by moving to Microsoft Azure.

Intellicure’s servers have always exceeded rigorous data security protocols to ensure that patient records and information is kept behind several closed doors and firewalls. Moving to Microsoft Azure servers allows Intellicure to further advance its security while ensuring that if anything were to happen to Azure, the data we have stored is always backed up and easy to restore.

Think of it like this: one of our competitors recently experienced a situation where a hacker gained access to their patient data and held it hostage. They are a multimillion dollar company with more than 200 employees. Compare their datacenter security to Microsoft’s, a $125 billion company with 144,000 employees. Microsoft’s datacenters are, obviously, the top-of-the-line in terms of security and speed.

Intellicure’s data is safe and secure in their hands. You should never experience any downtime with Intellicure, much less an entire day of it.

Intellicure has been cloud-based for more than a decade. Being in the cloud simply means that the data and files you generate are stored on a remote, encrypted server accessible via the internet. If you’re an Intellicure user, you’ve been transferring data back and forth between the cloud using our EHR the whole time.

We are very proud and excited about all these wonderful benefits that come as a result of building IntellicureEHR 7 on the web. We know you’ll enjoy them too!