KOA Boulevard

Why are we making such a big update to our software?

You don’t often see a software company make such a drastic update to its software. For example, Apple’s iPhone IOS has never made a huge update to its software, just small baby steps over time.

So why are we doing this? Frankly, because it was time.

The update to IntellicureEHR 7 accomplishes several long-time goals and satisfies many dreams we’ve had for years. Here’s a summary of the reasons we’re updating so drastically with IntellicureEHR 7:

Interoperable App

One of—but not the main—reason for the big software update is the production of our interoperable EHR app, which will be available for use inside your hospital’s EHR.

We recognized a service gap in our hospital outpatient wound centers: some hospitals require their wound centers to use the same EHR as the hospital, despite the cries from the wound centers’ physicians and managers. Hospital EHRs cannot capture a complete wound record for optimal reimbursements and compliance. That’s why so many wound centers prefer a wound care EHR. But hospital admins don’t love the idea of multiple EHRs, nor do program managers love the double data entry work and interfaces required when using multiple EHRs.

We’re bridging that gap by creating the first ever wound EHR app for your hospital EHR. It will eliminate double data entry and allow the wound center to practice efficiently with their own wound EHR that automatically writes into the hospital’s EHR.

If you haven’t already heard of our interoperable EHR app, read more about it here.

So, to create the interoperable app, we were going to have to re-create our software in a web-based platform built using HL7 FHIR standards. We figured, hey, if we’re already re-building the software for an app, let’s just re-build the whole thing for everyone! Besides, it accomplishes much more than creating the app …

User Experience

Like you, we have eyes. When we built IntellicureEHR, it was at the forefront of user experience design. But the user experience world has changed dramatically over the years and we need to catch up. You’re used to software that is simple to navigate and easy to understand. Think about the first time you opened your Netflix app. Because your brain had been trained by smart phones and tablets, you instantly knew how to use Netflix.

While IntellicureEHR 7 won’t play your favorite shows, it will be very intuitive and natural for users to understand. It is simple and clean. Granted, an EHR is a much more complex software than a video streaming app, but we’re aiming to provide that complexity in a very simple experience.


In order to speed up the processing power of our EHR, we needed to either upgrade our in-house servers or invest in Microsoft Azure cloud-based computing. We chose to offer our customers the best possible by switching to Azure’s top-of-the-line data security and experience in PHI data storage. With that switch, and with the wound care EHR rebuilt on a web-based platform, IntellicureEHR 7 is blazing fast.

Web-Based Platform

We’ve talked about it at-length: IntellicureEHR 7 will be on the web, accessible through any web browser.

If there’s one thing our development team does super well, it’s building lightweight web programs. We’ve been doing it for years and wowed many. So we’re building IntellicureEHR 7 to be lightweight, and thus very, very fast.

Plus, the web-based platform gives users the opportunity to use our wound care EHR on a tablet or even a phone!

Ability to Make Updates, Add Functions Quicker

Within this new environment, we’ll be able to build updates to the software faster than before, and we can implement those updates in the blink of an eye without users even noticing. So when we’re ready to flip the switch on a new, exciting feature, we can simply add it in without changing your wokflow or slowing you down.

User Empowerment

For a long time, we’ve been wanting to build tools that allow the user administrator the power to turn on/off certain modules from their employees. We’ve also been wanting to provide training materials and help tips right in the software so that your clinic doesn’t slow down any time it needs help. We are empowering our users and we’re very excited about it.

Several New Feature Additions

Yes, the new software will be more intuitive, and way faster, and cleaner, and prettier. But we’re also building in a zillion new features and tools; some big, some small. Like the ability to customize your own reports. Or the capability to allow two users into the chart at one time (which may not be ready for the first release of IntellicureEHR 7). Or an integrated Resource Management module. Or the ability to switch your user login from one of your location sites to another. Or the ability to see who has signed the chart and when, and the ability to unlock the chart yourself based on your privileges. We even built our Physician Comments tool to allow for your web browser’s inline spell check.

That’s not all. We’ve added a zillion little time-saving features to IntellicureEHR 7 that we’ve had on our minds for years. You’ll see them as you work in the software.

As we inch closer to the launch of IntellicureEHR 7, know that we are building our dream EHR, and since we’re wound care people ourselves, it will probably match your dream EHR too.