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The Countdown to IntellicureEHR 7 is complete and we are ready to launch! Scroll down to view the daily 7-week Countdown posts and exclusive sneak peeks of this revolutionary software. If you’re not an IntellicureEHR customer, click here to see a demonstration of this game-changing podiatry and wound care EHR.

IntellicureEHR 7

Daily Progress Posts

You can also check for updates on our social media channels:

Prepare for Launch!

Prepare for Launch!

The 7-week countdown to IntellicureEHR 7 is complete and we are preparing to launch! We are so proud of the team for all their hard work and dedication to revolutionizing the wound care industry.

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Video: How Intellicure Helps Save Lives

Video: How Intellicure Helps Save Lives

The right wound care EHR will actually help your clinic heal patients and save lives. There are several ways IntellicureEHR helps save lives, and they all roll up into this basic, brief video.

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What’s New in Reports

What’s New in Reports

With the update to IntellicureEHR 7, we’re able to re-build many of our modules in the manner that we know will benefit our customers the most. This is most true with our Reports module. We’ve found that generating valuable, actionable reports from the wound care EHR...

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Sneak Peek at Updated Reports Module

Our updated Reports module for IntellicureEHR 7 is ready! We'll introduce all the helpful new tools within our updated Reports module later this week, but today we're giving you a sneak peek of the new design and snippet of the functionality. Check it out and enjoy!

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What We’re Thankful For

What We’re Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving today with only a week or so left in our Countdown to IntellicureEHR 7, we decided to share what we are thankful for.

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Who Cares About Quality Scores?

Who Cares About Quality Scores?

A few years ago, Intellicure built a unique set of valuable tools inside IntellicureEHR called the “Intellicure Quality Suite.” The purpose of these tools—

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What Makes OrderTrak So Unique?

What Makes OrderTrak So Unique?

One of the final pieces to IntellicureEHR 7 is our one-of-a-kind in-chart ordering system for durable medical equipment (DME). It’s called OrderTrak, and to put it as cheesy as possible, it is DMEasy.

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Video: The Charting Experience Then vs. Now

Video: The Charting Experience Then vs. Now

We are in love with the clean, sleek new design of IntellicureEHR 7! We especially love, and we think you'll love, the Charting module's user experience changes. No more gray boxes and folder tabs with several acronyms. They've been replaced with white background,...

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Video: Physician Burnout is a Problem

Video: Physician Burnout is a Problem

Physician Burnout is a problem that Intellicure takes seriously. We’ve always fought the regulatory hoops that doctors jump through, and with IntellicureEHR 7, we’re taking that fight to the next level. Watch the video to learn more.

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Why Such a Big Update?

Why Such a Big Update?

You don’t often see a software company make such a drastic update to its software. For example, Apple’s iPhone IOS has never made a huge update to its software, just small baby steps over time. So why are we doing this? Frankly, because it was time.

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New Feature: Help Throughout The EHR

New Feature: Help Throughout The EHR

The difference between a good software and a great one is support. As a new feature in our groundbreaking wound care EHR, IntellicureEHR 7, we will be including on-screen how-to guides for whatever page you’re on in the software.

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IntellicureEHR 7 vs. Physician Burnout

IntellicureEHR 7 vs. Physician Burnout

Intellicure prides itself as one of the few EHRs created by a practicing physician and clinic manager. As such, we created our award-winning software to serve the needs of the doctor, the payers, the regulators, the clinic administration, and especially the patient.

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Progress Update: Reporting Module is Built!

Progress Update: Reporting Module is Built!

We've completed building the Reports module! We take great pride in our Reports module because it's so versatile and beneficial for wound center program managers. They can use reports generated by IntellicureEHR's clean data for instant workflow adjustments,...

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Empowering Our Users

Empowering Our Users

We’re working toward something revolutionary to go along with IntellicureEHR 7. It’s not just the design. It’s not just the speed and security. It’s not just the interoperable app … it’s the way our wonderful customers use IntellicureEHR.

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Video: Using Data to Achieve Optimal Outcomes

Video: Using Data to Achieve Optimal Outcomes

As part of our Countdown to IntellicureEHR 7, we're rolling out videos that describe the benefits of IntellicureEHR in simple terms. This video discusses one of the focal points of Intellicure's history: improving patient outcomes through clinical data.

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Video: Patient Search Then vs. Now

Video: Patient Search Then vs. Now

We're really enjoying this opportunity to compare our old/current EHR with the new IntellicureEHR 7, and we hope you're enjoying it too! In this video, we take a brief look at the design differences of the Patient Search function in IntellicureEHR 6 and 7. You'll see...

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Video: How Intellicure Makes You Money

Video: How Intellicure Makes You Money

In this fun video, we explain how wound centers using IntellicureEHR as their wound care EHR actually generate more revenue than those who don't. It comes down to documentation, which is a lot more fascinating than you might think. 

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Progress Update: Problems and Procedures are Loaded!

Progress Update: Problems and Procedures are Loaded!

Building an EHR from the ground up is hard work! Granted, we’ve done it before and we have most of the pieces already created. But when building the latest wound care EHR on a web-based platform, we have to reconfigure a lot of our award-winning software.

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The Benefits of a “Single Pane of Glass” EHR

The Benefits of a “Single Pane of Glass” EHR

In our past posts of this thrilling countdown, we’ve described the structure of IntellicureEHR 7. We mentioned that our freshly updated wound care EHR will be constructed as a “single pane of glass.” That’s a technical term that means you, our users,

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Video: See the Past and Future of Patient Registration

Video: See the Past and Future of Patient Registration

We've told you about the lightning fast speed of IntellicureEHR 7, and we've explained the added security benefits of the new wound care EHR and how that impacts your clinic. But we haven't said enough about the improved user experience. This video shows the design...

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The Patient Banner is Built!

The Patient Banner is Built!

With IntellicureEHR 7 we're building a very clean, neat, handy tool through the charting process that we think users are going to love. We're calling it the Patient Banner. It's a heading-type section across the top of the chart that displays the patient's...

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The Leading Wound Care EHR, Now on a Tablet!

The Leading Wound Care EHR, Now on a Tablet!

Have you heard the news? You can use IntellicureEHR 7 on a tablet!
Our customers love our audit-risk-reducing, time-saving, reimbursement-growing wound care EHR. But our customers have been asking if we could make it available for use on tablets.
Well, we listened.

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Intellicure’s Revolutionary Method of Charting

Intellicure’s Revolutionary Method of Charting

Doctors hate charting. We know. It’s like asking a basketball player to tally their own stats as they play. Charting gets in the way of your ability to treat the patient. IntellicureEHR is different. Intellicure’s founders understood the charting nuisance more than 20...

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The Intellicure Training Portal

The Intellicure Training Portal is live! The Intellicure Training Portal is another module within IntellicureEHR 7 that demonstrates our commitment to helping wound care clinics become more efficient. The Future Intellicure Training PortalWithin the next year or so,...

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Then vs. Now: Logging In

Then vs. Now: Logging In

On occasion throughout this 7-week countdown to IntellicureEHR 7, we will show an example of where our software was, compared to where it's going. We do this to show our valued customers, and the world, that Intellicure is not only improving upon other wound EHRs,...

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The Benefits of Going Web-Based

The Benefits of Going Web-Based

IntellicureEHR 7.0 will be web-based; a completely different form of accessing and using your EHR than you've probably ever used. What does web-based mean? It means that you will not use a locally stored program on your computer, and you will not have to log in...

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Video: How Intellicure’s New Module Saves Staff Time

Video: How Intellicure’s New Module Saves Staff Time

IntellicureEHR is built to save time in wound care clinics and podiatry offices, while simultaneously optimizing reimbursements and minimizing audit risks. For IntellicureEHR 7, we've built the Resources module, which automatically fills in gaps of contact information...

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Check out the new Charting Menu!

Check out the new Charting Menu!

It's the little details that excite us the most here at Intellicure. In IntellicureEHR 7, the new web-based wound care EHR that will knock your socks off, after logging in and clicking on the Charting title within the main menu, a drawer pulls out from the side with...

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The Fastest EHR Login Page EVER?

The Fastest EHR Login Page EVER?

LIFE-CHANGING NEWS! Logging into Intellicure 7 is going to be so fast you'll miss it if you blink! This is big news for Intellicure users and non-Intellicure users alike because the old way of logging into an EHR requires accessing a far away, hyper-secure server....

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